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Martinez (RnS) on the canonizations of PopeJohn XXIII and Pope John Paul II: 
"Two formidable reconcilers in the spirit of the Council"
Papa Giovanni XXII e Papa Giovanni Paolo II - Clicca per ingrandire...

«Two Popes canonized together, and in the presence of two Popes concelebrating. This by itself is an unprecedented event. In fact, John XXIII and John Paul II were two "miracles of the Holy Spirit". Two, true reformers of the Church and facilitators of the faith; two who were in love with Jesus and who left everywhere, especially in the hearts of those who they met, the mark of this passion for the Gospel of salvation. Towards the end of the second millennium, they changed the course of history with a "fantasy of love" which made the dream of the Second Vatican Council come alive: a "reconciled" Church with men, with cultures, with religion. They were able to win the restless expectations and to nourish the true hopes, more profoundly human of all the peoples, making it universal and, without ever withdrawing, the yearning for love, for unity, for peace. In the name of this triple yearning, without doubt, the originality and the knowledge of faith and the work of the two new Saints is written. Nobody doubted, during the course of these two Pontificates, year after year, that Wojtyla and Roncalli were protagonists of an original as well as genial thought, word and deed of holiness. It is in this very triple direction: "love for man", always and everywhere, beginning from his integral and transcendental dignity; "unity", in the diversity of the walks of life of peoples, because beyond every ideological and political barrier it is at the heart of the human race; "peace", as a permanent solution to every crisis and conflict, a spiritual gift which is nourished not through contracts and treaties, but with prayer and acceptance. To John XXIII and to John Paul II we also owe the return to the "original spirit of Christianity", in the prevailing of humble, simple, direct gestures, with which the two Popes were expressions continuously - imitating Jesus of Nazareth - arousing sympathy, wonder and emulation. This vital return to the fount of the Christian experience leaves the precious heritage the rediscovery of the protagonism of the Holy Spirit, not only of his sacramental but also charismatic action, therefore related not only to clerics but also to the laity, an element of true modernity desired for the post Council Church. Without John XXIII and John Paul II we would not be what we are; we would not do what we are doing. Without them the world today would be sadder, poorer in ideals, more inactive in doing good. Our prayer becomes praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for this happy event of the canonization of the two Popes. Now that they are proclaimed Saints, they will not fail to sustain the journey of the Church and Renewal in the Spirit with their intercession».
