Right from the
start, when a "Convocation" was proposed in Rome, at the center of Christianity,
after 36 years of uninterrupted presence at Rimini, the "desire" was clear in
the heart of the National Service Committee and of the National Council of
Renewal in the Spirit of Italy to make of this ecclesial gathering a "gift to
be shared" with the entire big family of Renewal in the world, lived out in the
journey of the Nations and of the recognized Communities.
that became "responsibility" when - on September 9th, 2013 - the Holy Father
Francis received me in a private Audience and confirmed his availability to
intervene at our Convocation in Rome.
verifying all the organizational aspects and having received from the Vatican
Secretariat of State the formal confirmation of the presence of the Pope - on
the eve of Christmas - this "desire" became reality. And so we willed that this
special event be called: XXXVII Convocation
of the Renewal with Pope Francis.
A decision accepted and shared by the two "bodies of liaison"
that the Renewal can boast of in the world: ICCRS
(International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services) and CFCCCF (Catholic
Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships) in their two
presidents, Michelle Moran and Gilberto Gomes Barbosa respectively, who in the
name of their respective Councils have adhered with joy and conviction to the
proposal to be "co-responsible" of this historic Convocation.
Therefore, Convocation, which means a "people called to be together"; a people
who do not auto-convoke themselves, but who recognize "that they are convoked" by
the Holy Spirit. Convocation, an
expression which more than any other (Meeting, Conference, ...) recalls the expression
ecclesia, which in Greek and in Latin
means assembly of people.
XXXVII, then, is to indicate a history, a journey of
Convocations, a realty which has grown in time, in which the
"hierarchical-sacramental" and "lay-charismatic" dimension have always wedded
and completed themselves, backed by the autographed Letters of Popes John Paul
II and of Benedict XVI who have accompanied various previous editions, and this
year by the presence of Pope Francis.
The Renewal, without specifying denominations, to indicate the "current
of grace" which has generated all of us, beyond the different historical
affiliations, in the conscience that no "acronym or structure", present or
future, will ever be able to exhaust or contain the gift of the Spirit and His multiform
action within the great Catholic Charismatic Movement.
With the
publication of Evangelii Gaudium, apostolic
Exhortation of Francis to which the very Pope Bergoglio assigns a «programmatic meaning» for the Pontificate
(cf. n. 25), the request of a new "anointing
of the Holy Spirit" in the Church and for the Church appears unequivocal, which
makes it all the more kerigmatic and charismatic
in words, actions and works; increasingly prepared to be amazed by the
joyful experience of the love of God and to be led by the Spirit with a firm,
humble and missionary step.
Therefore, Providence
has willed that our XXXVII Convocation
of the Renewal with Pope Francis could be an answer of the intentions of
the Pontiff, in continuity with what has already been lived with the "first
Pope" of our history, in Rome, in occasion of Pentecost 1975, when Paul VI
defined the Renewal «a chance for the Church
expectations, these sentiments, this "prophetic vision" we wished to share
immediately with the main leaders of the past and recent history of the Renewal
in the world, and these readily and joyfully welcomed to be present and
intervene at the Convocation, allowing us to put together a "program" truly
without precedents to which Cardinals and Bishops who have always accompanied
our ecclesial journey and apostolic work unite themselves.
But our joy
would not have been "full" if another important step was not realized: the
invitation to participate actively and fraternally at the Convocation made to
the Communities in Italy and who historically do not recognize themselves
within the Renewal in the Holy Spirit, charismatic Communities whose statutes
have been approved by one or more Bishops of local Churches or by the Holy See.
In fact the
answer was unanimous: great emotion in praying together and simplicity of heart
in living together an agape at the
National Secretariat of Rinnovamento
nello Spirito Santo. With a commitment: not to interrupt the journey begun,
to emphasize what unites us and makes us brothers, to look together at the
future respecting diversities represented and to be open to the novelty of the
Of this we give
witness, blessing the Father together, in Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. And
we do not stop praying and working so that at Rome, at the Olympic Stadium, on
June 1st and 2nd it should be truly a Convocation
"at the service of Communion" in the Renewal.
Comment of Salvatore Martinez